About Us

Welcome to Inkjetstar. Since 2004, we have been one of the key online suppliers of compatible and re-manufactured printer ink and laser toner cartridges.

Top quality compatible printer ink, laser toner and inkjet cartridges since 2004

Established in 2014, we are proud to be your 4.5 star customer rated store. We provide our customers top quality remanufactured and compatible printer ink, inkjet, and laser toner cartridges for nearly every model of inkjet and laser toner printer. Our goal is to provide you with the best shopping experience with our excellent customer service and discounted pricing for your printing needs.  Our tradition of shipping out the printer ink orders within 24 business hours has always been enjoyed by our repeated customers.

Contact Us

Phone Number: 1 (877) 238-8188

Email: sales@inkjetstar.com